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IBERS is an internationally-recognised research centre

The Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS) is an internationally-recognised research centre providing a unique base for collaborative research with industry.


Our mission is to improve the health and wellbeing of people through research, education and engagement activities. We believe that keeping humans healthy and contented depends also on delivering a healthy environment, healthy plants and animals, and healthy businesses.


Food-related research provides a unifying theme at the core of our mission and collaborative projects have been undertaken with a wide spectrum of UK and international companies.  Our research capabilities span the whole of the food value chain from plant and animal breeding and agricultural production systems to human studies exploring the health benefits of novel foods. Strategic investment in research farms, food raw material bioprocessing, advanced compositional analysis and clinical trial facilities provide a breadth of capability unique within Wales.  

Food, Diet and Health Research

IBERS researchers aim to better understand how to translate government dietary and physical activity guidelines into real change within the general population.  


The recent launch of the Well-being and health Assessment Research Unit (WARU); facilitates research particularly in relation to exploring the relationship between eating behavior and health. WARU fosters relationships between IBERS researchers, the local community and the NHS and provides a facility to undertake clinical trials focusing particularly on food interventions and impact on chronic health conditions. With facilities for body composition analysis, physical capability measurement, cognitive testing, dietary intake assessment and clinical biochemistry the Unit provides scope for comprehensive exploration of the impact of foods on human metabolism, physiology, physical attributes, well-being and health.  

Investment in innovation

Future Food activities complement the development of the Aberystwyth Innovation and Enterprise Campus (AIEC), expected to be operational in 2020.  


With more than 7000 Sq. M of floor space the Campus will provide world leading facilities and expertise for the agri-tech industry, food and drink, bioprocessing and biotechnology sectors. Set between the Cambrian Mountains and the Irish Sea, this £40.5m campus will provide a progressive environment to encourage business and academic collaboration to flourish.  


© 2019 BIC Innovation Ltd

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BIC Innovation Ltd

Menai Science Park, Anglesey, LL60 6AG

Pencoed Technology Park, Bridgend, CF35 5HZ


Tel: 01248 671 101​ / 01656 861 536

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